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Adding Staff and Managers

How to add staff to your venue in admin

Account owners (the original user setting up a venue's account) have full administration access to the Now Book It environment. However, for the purposes of security and accountability, it's a good idea to provide staff with their own (restricted) accounts and login details. This let's you see a record of who logged into the account, when, and what changes were made. It also restricts access to certain parts of the system.

To add staff members to your Now Book It Admin Panel:

  1. Select the Admin and Managers tab in the Admin Panel.
  2. Click the + button on the top left side of Admin panel.


Admin and Managers tab in admin panel. 

       3. A window will open that gives you the option to 'create a user' from one of the following access permission levels.

       A. Account Admin

Account Admins can create new venues and edit settings for all venues in the account. They can create Venue Managers and Venue Users and assign them to any venue. This is a very powerful role, so use it sparingly. Account Admins have access to all venues and can lock the Restaurant Diary with a PIN if they want to prevent staff from making changes.

       B.Venue Manager

Venue Managers can edit settings and create Venue Users for the venues they are assigned to. They can view other venues in the account as read only (a list of tick boxes will be visible to this user, allowing them to select the venues that they would like to grant full access to. They too have a pin that can be assigned for quick access to lock the Diary if they want to prevent staff from making changes. This pin is used to lock and unlock a padlock icon in the Diary.

       C. Venue User

Venue Users can't view or edit venue settings, but they do have access to the Diary settings. Their view of the Admin panel is limited to viewing and redeeming gift cards only. They have full access to the Diary and the list of tick boxes allowing you to select the venues you would like to grant access to. They too have a pin that can be assigned for quick access to lock the Diary if they want to prevent staff from making changes. This pin is used to lock and unlock a padlock icon in the Diary.

      D. Restricted Venue User

Restricted Restaurant Users can't access the Admin panel. They can only log in to the Diary, and have restricted access to features. They will see a list of tick boxes allowing them to select venues to view, but will not have a pin code.


Adding a new Admin user or Manager

  1. Select a role for your user
  2. For venue groups, a list appear on the right hand side of the screen allowing you to select which venues the user will have access to.
  3. Complete user contact information in the designated fields, and create a pin for quick access to the Diary.
  4. Select Save. The use will then be sent an email and be asked to set up a password and be able to log in