Blockouts - Diary

How to create blockouts in the Diary view

You can create Blockouts in Now Book It in 2 different ways.

  1. Via the Restaurant Diary (to create quick, on the fly blockouts that apply to a single day).
  2. Via the Diary Settings panel (best used for recurring blockouts, service blockouts and holidays).

On the fly blockouts can be put in place for as short as an interval and as long as the day. They can be applied to specific tables, or across the board. To create a quick blockout in the Restaurant Diary view:

  1. Select the three dots located in the bottom right corner of your Diary, as show below:

A window will pop out and you will be able to select from one of the three following options:

New Blockout - create a new Blockout
Edit Blockouts – edit existing Blockouts
Unallocate Bookings - unallocte all booked tables and push all booked customers onto the waitlist.


Select New Blockout from the list. You will then notice the timeline become active (as shown below) with a number of corresponding tick boxes.

  1. First, where you see New Blockout in the bottom right, enter in the Name for your Blockout. This will appear in your timeline and alert staff as to what the Blockout is for.
  2. Next select the Times in the time line you would like the Blockout to run for.
  3. Next select the Tables you would like to apply the Blockout to.
  4. Select Save.

You will now see your Blockout in the timeline.