Booked By in the Diary
Explaining how to book within the diary view
The Booked By feature via the Diary enabled bookings to have a distinction between the customer (person that will be seated at the venue) and the person making the booking (Booked By). This is useful for when an organiser is making multiple bookings for different people or group bookings being made by an external company.
Venues can have the Booked By feature enabled in 2 different variations:
On the Diary only
On both the Diary and Widget
Searching for an existing customer or creating a new customer
See the article here for more information.
Adding Booked By details to a new booking
Editing Booked By details on an existing booking
Adding Booked By details to an existing booking
View Booked By details on a booking
View Booked By details on runsheet
When exporting runsheet - ‘Booked By’ details is a new column