Booking Options

How to manage booking options in the Diary

Booking options for individual bookings can be managed directly from the Diary when creating a new booking or editing an existing booking. Venues can choose to either process a booking option and any associated payment or hide it before saving a booking.

Turn Booking Option off when creating a new booking

If Booking options have been attached to a service, they can be turned off by the venue when creating a booking. They can then be managed and any payment processed at a later date.

1. Create a new booking in the diary for a service which has Booking Options attached

2. If the service has Booking Options, a ‘Booking Options’ tab will be visible

3. Use the toggle to turn Booking Options off

Booking Options On:


Booking Options Off:


Manage Booking Options

Once a booking has been made, Booking Options can be managed from directly within the Diary using the ‘Manage Booking Options’ button. From here options can be selected and payments processed..

1 Open an existing booking for a service which has Booking Options attached.

2. Select the ‘Manage Booking Options’ button


3. Select the required options and select OK


4. Upon saving, if there is a payment attached, the useer can select to send the payment link to the customer, or simply save the booking. the payment link can then be sent from the saved booking at a later date.


5. If there is a payment attached to the Booking option, the booking will land in the Dairy with a status of Payment required.
