Bookings - Diary

The Bookings tab features a number of different settings that tailor the Restaurant Diary and how it works. The purpose and functions of these features are explained below.
Bookings staff name field
This allows you to see which staff member has made a specific booking in the Restaurant Diary. You have the option to make this a mandatory field.
Show when editing booking
This allows you to see which staff member has edited a specific booking in the Restaurant Diary. You have the option to make this a mandatory field.

Highlight overdue bookings
Parties that are late for their booking will show up the Diary timeline view and floor plan view as. You can customise the time at which point a party would be considered an overdue booking. Overdue means that the customer status has not been changed to seated or partially seated.
Warn me about bookings on occupied tables
An alert will flash in the diary timeline view as well as the floor plan view to alert venue that table will soon be required for another booked table. you can customise the time at which point this alert would be triggered.

Highlight timeline intervals where maximum new covers is reached
An alert will appear in the timeline in the interval spacing's, when venues are 1 away from meeting Capacity (light red will be shown in the timeline interval). This is just a warning to inform the venue that they are almost at their set threshold for bookings that interval.
Once venue has reached said threshold and gone over this will appear in dark red, so the venue has a visual queue to alert them they have reached capacity for that booking interval and to proceed with caution.Confused by this bit…

See booking interval Pax Procedures for menu in diary: Schedule settings in the diary and alerts for more details here

Auto confirm bookings
This will change the status of any booking made via the diary or the widget to confirmed if they are made on the same day. This is so same-day bookings are not sent reminders or followed up by the venue.

Booking name display
This will change the order of how the booking name is displayed and put the Company name as the main name of the booking. This is useful for venues that do a lot of business lunches and dinners.
Maximum booking size for restricted users
This limits the ability for staff members with restricted access to the Restaurant Diary to enter in bookings over a certain size.