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Capacity alerts and timeline functionality in the Diary

Notifications from the Diary

If you have set up Max Pax intervals in your Restaurant Diary, capacity per interval will be visible from within the booking form as well as in the timeline. This serves as a warning that you are either close to, or have reached Max Pax for that interval.
In the booking form you can see the capacity per each interval, as shown below:


If the Max Pax has been reached for that interval, you are able to see the count each time you make a booking and monitor it.
You can also see this in the time line of the Diary and the Floor Plan, an alert to show the venue that they are close to reaching Max Pax:
…or that they have already reached or exceeded Max Pax:
Bookings that have not been changed to seated will show in the timeline as red once the default time of 15 minutes has been reached (for more information on how to change this setting see here).

In addition we also have Seated VS Due to arrive if you hover over the time timeline for a specific time, please find the following video for further information; This feature is calculated by bookings coming in for the specific interval that you have highlighted, and shows this against bookings that have been seated that were due to arrive in the same interval.