Colours and Symbols across Diary and Floor Plan Views
How to customise with Now Book It
The Diary and Floor Plan views have a number of colours and symbols to help the venue to identify availability, up-and-coming bookings or errors.
Table symbols
When adding or editing a booking, you will notice four icons next to each of the tables. These represent how the tables have been configured in table layouts.
No Icon = Diary Only bookings (the table isn't available on the online bookings widget)
- = available for ALL types of bookings
^ = Shared table
~ = Walk In Only bookings (the table is only available for walk ins, not online or diary bookings).
Table Colours and notifications
Tables in the Restaurant Diary will change colour according to the following scenarios.
Orange = The table is available but must be used with caution, as it is either not suitable due to layout configuration, or a pending booking is due to occupy that table in the near future. Tables will turn orange if a customer is due to arrive for their booking within a 15 minute time frame.
Green = The table is free and a suitable match for the booking. Green in floor plan means that the table is free to be booked.
Red = The table is not suitable as it is either booked already, is not the correct configuration for the booking, or is only assigned to walk ins.
Purple = This highlights a table that the system has chosen as the most suitable match. Purple in the floor plan signifies that the table is currently occupied.
Note: Colour alerts are just recommendations by the system. You will get alerts visible in the booking form window when trying to make a booking. These will include 'table taken', 'over lapping with another booking' and 'booking will run outside of service.' - In the diary timeline, you will notice that any tables that do not match booking capacity will show up red, like the examples below.
- = available for ALL types of bookings