Connecting eWay to Now Book It
How to connect the eWay payment system to your account.
How to Connect
- Login to your Now Book It account
- Go to your admin page for the venue, select the "Payments" tab
- Select "eWay" and select a currency
- Next you'll need to sign into your eWay account.
- If you already have an account, you can open a new window in your browser to login to eWay.
- If you don't have an account already, you can click the "Sign Up for eWay" button on the Payments page.
- Once in your account, click "My Account" on the tabs towards the top of your eWay account page, and select "API Key" from the dropdown
- Copy the complete API Key from the "API Key" field
- Paste this API Key into the "API Key" field in the Payments tab on your Now Book It admin page
- Go back to your eWay account API page and copy the password from the "Password" field in eWay
- Paste this password into the two "Password" fields in the Payments tab on your Now Book It admin page
- Go back to eWay and click My Account again, and select Client Side Encryption.
- Copy the entire "Encryption Key" on this page
- Return to your Payments page in Now Book It admin.
- Click the "Enable Pre-Auth" box
- Paste the Encryption Key into the "Client Side Encryption Key for Pre-Auth" " field
- Click "Save" at the bottom of the Payments page in Now Book it admin. Your eWay connection should now be set up and ready to use!