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Connecting eWay to Now Book It

How to connect the eWay payment system to your account.

How to Connect

  1. Login to your Now Book It account
  2. Go to your admin page for the venue, select the "Payments" tab
  3. Select "eWay" and select a currency
  4. Next you'll need to sign into your eWay account.
    1. If you already have an account, you can open a new window in your browser to login to eWay.
    2. If you don't have an account already, you can click the "Sign Up for eWay" button on the Payments page.
  5. Once in your account, click "My Account" on the tabs towards the top of your eWay account page, and select "API Key" from the dropdown
  6. Copy the complete API Key from the "API Key" field
  7. Paste this API Key into the "API Key" field in the Payments tab on your Now Book It admin page
  8. Go back to your eWay account API page and copy the password from the "Password" field in eWay
  9. Paste this password into the two "Password" fields in the Payments tab on your Now Book It admin page
  10. Go back to eWay and click My Account again, and select Client Side Encryption.
  11. Copy the entire "Encryption Key" on this page
  12. Return to your Payments page in Now Book It admin.
    1. Click the "Enable Pre-Auth" box
    2. Paste the Encryption Key into the "Client Side Encryption Key for Pre-Auth" " field
  13. Click "Save" at the bottom of the Payments page in Now Book it admin. Your eWay connection should now be set up and ready to use!