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Creating Shared Tags

Tag customers across databases

Creating Shared Tags

The Shared Tags has been implemented for groups with multiple venues and allows customer identifiers to be tracked across the group's entire customer database (for instance, a guest tagged as a VIP at one venue will automatically appear as a VIP across all venues in the group). There are 3 system generated Tags which cannot be deleted, but two of these can be edited. The ‘Previous No Show’ system generated tag is not editable as it is used in venue reporting. A further 12 shared tags  can be created/edited and deleted by the venue. 

  1. Select Shared Tags from the Admin Panel.

  2. At the top of the list are the 3 system generated tags - VIP, Previous No Show and Membership. Note that these do not have the option to delete.


  3. To create a new shared tag select the '+' sign in the top right corner of the screen.

  4. Provide a Name, select an icon and select a color for the new tag.


Editing/Deleting shared tags

  1. Select Shared Tags from the Admin Panel.

  2. If you wish to delete a tag select the rubbish bin icon to the right of that tag


If you have applied a shared tag to a customer booking, and you subsequently delete that tag from Admin, the tag is still retained on the booking for that customer for historical purposes. It is however removed from the customer record.

3. To edit a shared tag, select Shared Tags from the Admin panel

4. Select the tag you wish to edit and make changes to the text, icon or color


If you have applied a shared tag to a customer booking and you subsequently edit the tag in Admin, the new name/color/icon will be shown on all bookings which have this tag.