Customer Database - Diary
How to view your customer database from the diary
To view your customer database, select Customers from the menu.
The following window will open, allowing you to view all customers that have even made a booking at that specific venue (to view all customers across a shared venue group, you will need to access the Admin Panel database instead. See here for more information).
- To search for a specific customer, use the Search feature at the top of the screen and enter a name, phone number or email.
- To sort customers by name, email, or phone, select Sort By.
- To change from ascending to descending order, use the arrow icon on the top right.
4. To export your Customer database, select the download arrow (the bottom button shown below).
5. To add a new customer to venue data base select the + button.
6. To edit a customer profile, click on the customer that you'd like to modify from the list. The following window will open, allowing you to edit their profile.