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Customer Importer Guide

How to import customers into your Now Book It account

Getting Started

  • The import must be a CSV file. The columns and data need to be exact, or the file will be rejected.
  • The CSV file format for the customer importer is made up of two main parts: the header and the data.


The header is the first row of the CSV file and specifies the fields that will correspond to the data below it (Eg. First Name, Last Name etc). These fields are specific to the import and our database.

You will need to use the exact fields specified below for a successful import on our platform. Do not add or delete any fields from the template.

For example, if you have an import that is only First name and Mobile number, do not delete the other headers. In this situation, you would leave as blank and only fill in the fields in to the template that you have.

Each of the fields in the list below must appear on the first line of the spreadsheet in the order specified and must be separated by a comma “,” (without the quotes). Again even if you do not have data for one of the fields, the field must still be present in the header.

Header Specific Data Requirements

  • Either a first name or last name are required.
  • Either a primary phone number or an e-mail are required.
  • If supplied, valid birth date combinations are:
    • Birthday Date and Birthday Month
    • Birthday Date and Birthday Month and Birthday Year


CSV Header Value Description Required
1 First Name Customer's first name

Yes (see above)

2 Last Name Customer's last name Yes (see above)
3 Phone The customer’s primary phone number (preferably
mobile) in international format. eg: +61412000000
Yes (see above)
4 Additional Phone The customer’s additional phone number. This does not have a strict format and will be saved as free text No
5 Email The customer’s e-mail. This should be in the format abc@xyz.domain  
6 Street Address Customer's street address No
7 Suburb Customer's Suburb No
8 Postcode Customer's Postcode No
9 BirthdayDate The customer’s birthday date, e.g if customer was born on 21 September 1980, the value will be 21 No (see above)
10 BirthdayMonth The customer’s birthday month, e.g if customer was born on 21 September 1980, the value will be 9 No (see above)
11 BirthdayYear The customer’s 4 digit birthday year, e.g if customer was born on 21 September 1980, the value will be 1980 No (see above)
12 Subscribed If the customer has opted-in to receive communication from the venue No
13 Company Company the customer works for No
14 Customer Notes Any notes the venue has regarding the customer No


Data Rows

The data rows represent the actual data. In this case, each row represents a customer. Each of the customer’s data fields needs to be separated by a comma (as with the header) and needs to be aligned with the correct header field. 

Preparing for Import

You can find a template of the spreadsheet correctly started here.

  • Please copy the data from your previous booking system customer database export and paste it into the correct column.
  • Ensure that all data has been cleaned up and all phone numbers have the +61 in front of them and are minus the leading 0.
  • Ensure you have removed any spaces between numbers in the phone number or any symbols.
  • Ensure landline numbers are pasted in additional phone column.
  • Note: Editing your document in Excel may cause formatting issues – eg. Phone numbers will lose their leading zeros or plus signs if in international format. Make sure these columns are “Text” format to prevent this.
  • We’ve set this up in the provided spreadsheet, so make sure any data pasted into it is pasted matching destination formatting.
  • Once you’ve edited your spreadsheet so that it matches the requirements, save the file as a CSV for uploading. 


When you’re ready to import, go to the Customers tab on an account in admin.

Click the import button and select the CSV. You will also need to add an email address. This is because the import process happens in the background and may take a few minutes – depending on the number of customers.

When the process has finished you will be emailed to let you know the process is complete.

As the customers are uploaded to the Account, rather than specific venues, you can create a booking in any venue and the customers will appear as suggestions when searching for a customer, but they won’t appear in the Customer tab within a venue’s diary until they have a booking in this venue.


Once you’ve selected the CSV file, we validate it, before starting the import process. You will immediately be given a list of errors (including the row that it occurs in), if applicable. If there are no errors, we will begin the import process.