Diary Views / Lists / Top Ribbon

The 'top ribbon' in the diary is where you can change the format in which you wish to you're your restaurant diary. It also contains your bookings calendar, notes, and search filters.

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There are two ways to select a date in the diary to view.

  1. Select the <> on either side of the date in the top ribbon to change dates a day at a time.
  2. Click on the actual date in the top ribbon to pop out a calendar view
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  3. From here you can select days, weeks, months and years in advance.
  4. Select the date that you wish to view, then select Go to open the selected day in the diary.


You can add daily service notes by using the Notes button in the top ribbon. This will add notes to your runsheets as well as the booking form (so that staff will see a reminder pop up when making a diary booking).
To add a note to your daily service:

  1. Select the Notes Icon in the top ribbon.
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  2. The following window will appear, where you can enter in specific notes for the day

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With the formatting palette on the top of the window, you can add links to menus, images or function packages from Dropbox, Google Drive and other online document storage sites.

3. Once your notes have been added they will be visible in the below locations.

a. The notes area – this will have a circle as an alert to the venue that there are note for this day

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b. When the booking form is opened to create a booking.

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c. On the daily Run Sheet.

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Notes can be edited from the Notes window and on the run sheet. This will update notes in all locations.

Service and Section Filters

The Service and Section filters allow you to filter your view to specific services and venue sections.
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From the service drop down menu, you can select which service you would like to isolate in each of the three views, and only show the times and bookings that are associated with them.
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With the Sections drop down the venue can select which sections, times and bookings they would like to isolate in each of the three views.

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Search Tool

This enables you to search for customer bookings. To use the search:

  1. Click on the Magnifying glass to pop out the search window.
  2. Search for a customer by name, email or phone number (mobile number is recommended as the fastest way to identify a customer).

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Info Tools

A selection of tools are available on the far right hand side of the top ribbon in the Restaurant Diary. These are:

  • Gift Cards
  • Lock Diary
  • Help

  • The Diary online row will show you if your Now Book It account is communicating with the Now Book It online cloud, to automatically sync changes made on the account.
  • The Gift cards option will open the admin page in your Now Book It account, directly to the Gift Card > Management page. This option will only appear if you have opted to use GIft Cards with Now Book It.
  • The Lock Diary option will lock the diary and make it read only until it is unlocked again. This is a feature used by supervisors and administrators to lock the Restaurant Diary from editing.
  • The Padlock icon will lock the diary and make it read only until it is unlocked again. This is a feature used by supervisors and administrators to lock the Restaurant Diary from editing.
  • The Help option will open up a new window in your browser, directing you to www.nowbookit.com/support. This page has options for contacting our Support team to help you with any questions!

Diary Tabs and Lists

On the left hand side of your Restaurant Diary screen you will see a list of your bookings as they transition through service that day. There are five tabs in this section which relate to status or table availability.

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  • Waitlist/Standby: This is where a walk in booking for the current service is added to the diary when there is no immediate availability. Bookings on the Standby List for the current or future dates are also listed here.
  • Bookings: All bookings (whether confirmed or unconfirmed) will be added here when made via the bookings widget or the diary. A booking is automatically updated when its status is changed by the customer to confirm or cancel.
  • Seated: This is where all bookings transition to once staff have changed the status from Confirmed/Unconfirmed to Seated.
  • Cancelled: Bookings will be added here when a booking is cancelled.
  • Finished: All finished tables end up here. This status can only be changed by staff via the Restaurant Diary.