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Editing Booking and History in the Diary

How to edit past bookings

Existing bookings may be edited to add tags and notes, update customer details, change the booking size or swap tables.
To edit a booking:

  1. Select the booking from the Diary timeline view to open the booking form (single click) OR select the booking in the Floor Plan view to open the Booking Form (single click).
  2. The booking form window will open and the first tab you are presented with is the 'Summary' tab.
  3. By moving through the tabs you can edit/update any of the fields shown.


3. Any changes made to the booking are traceable in the Changes tab.


4. If you make changes and want to resend the booking confirmation to the customer, select the 'resend confirmation' button before clicking Save. A new confirmation email will be triggered to reflect the booking changes.

5. The Booking history is shown in the 'Booking History' tab, which displays the most recent bookings. To view all booking for this customer, select the 'Show All' button.


6. Click on an individual booking in the list if you would like to edit it or view notes for that day.

7. If the venue is part of a group, a Venue History tab will be visible to inform the venue of other sites in the group that the customer has had bookings in.


8. To edit capacity on the fly, select the numbers shown at the end of the booking in the Diary timeline view (this feature is not available in Floor Plan view).

Select the capacity number at the end of the booking (eg. P2). The above window will open allowing the venue to change the capacity. Select Save once capacity is changed.
This doesn't change the capacity of the table itself. If the table cannot accommodate for new capacity, you will need to open the booking and edit the table as well.