Email Templates with Images and Links

How to add links and images to your email templates


In this video you will see how simple it is to add links and images to your email templates.

You can either add you links to individual templates or you can add links to the promotional information area to send the links out with all communications sent via the system.

Please ensure you are storing your documents and images you would like to link to, on publicly accessible document and image file sharing sites.


See video below for details on how to add links to your email templates





Please note: The video demonstration is a guide for how to work with DROPBOX LINKS, the raw=1 is for dropbox image links only and is required for immediate render. 

You cant share images from your desktop as this is not accessibly via the internet, please ensure you have set up a googledrive, dropbox, onedrive to share your images, links and docs from.


Google Drive links need to be shared like shown below:




This will render the image and not show it as a link.

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See this Video for more help with Googledrive sharing