Google Integration - Overview

An overview to the Now Book It - Google integration

Widget Setup:

If you have your widget in an iframe, you will need to implement one of these options that is available in NBI Admin area under the venue widget button.

Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 12.41.31 pm

Documentation on widget setups are located here:

Widget surfaced in an Iframe on your website - we recommend this option:

Advanced method for event tracking on embedded NBI Widget - AKA the "Bubble Up" method

A basic set up version is also availble:

Basic "referrer url" method for event tracking on embedded NBI Widget

Events and Page tracking:


There are a number of traceable pages and events with the NBI Booking Widget, the following pages that are traceable are list below: (pages are not as reliable as events so we recommend using the Events)

Tracking Pages:



















These Pages appear in Google under realtime > overview


Tracking Events:


To test these EVENTS please run though a booking in the widget from start to booking completion and you will see the events showing up in Google Analytics:


  • Thank You or Booking Confirmed - track as a goal for a conversion, if your widget doesn't require payment

  • Booking Paid - Track this as a goal for a conversion, if your widget has payments and must go through the payment gateway


To see what events are triggered at what stages run through and monitor in GA.


Event category


Event Action





Booking Confirmed

Completed booking with no payments on a service - counts as a booking

Page View

Booking Details

User enters Booking details

Page View

Booking Summary

Summary of the booking in the widget

Page View

Confirm Payment Details

Confirmation of payment details in the widget

Page View

Customer Details

Customer details enter in the widget

Page View

Payment Confirmation

Paid if service requires a payment or a booking option

Page View

Payment Details

Entering in the payment details in the widget

Page View

Thank You

Completed booking with no payments on a service - counts as a booking


Booking Paid

Completed booking with payments on a service - counts as booking

User input

Booking option selected

Booking options selected and added to the booking

User input

Covers updated

Covers updated

User input

Time selected




Review these events in Google under Real Time > Events.



Gift card events :



                 Event Category                         


Event Action


Page View

Card Selection

Gift card selected

Page View

Customer Details

Purchaser details

Page View

Order Complete

Card purchased

Page View

Payment Details

Payment gateway enter in details

Page View

Recipient Details

Recipient of card details



Review these events in Google under Real Time > Events.


Step-by-step guide for Now Book IT Google Analytics Integration

Setting up/Locating your Google Property ID

First you will need will need to set up/ or access your Google Property ID

  1. You will first need to set up your property to obtain a Property ID

  2. To create a new property follow this link

  3. To locate your Property ID, You will need to go to Admin and Property Settings


Adding Property ID to Now Book It Admin:

Now you will need to log in to Now Book It Admin page to add your Property ID to enable the integration between NBI and Google.

  1. Log in to Now Book It (if you do not have a log in you will need to speak to the venue about gaining access)

  2. Locate under the Diary heading > Integrations, you will see the below area when you can enter in your Property ID

  3. For Gift Cards add the Property ID under the Gift Cards heading > Integrations


Please note if you are using the Bubble up approach in your widget iframe you do not need to do this step.



Generating data with your Now Book It Widget:

To confirm you are getting data in from the widget in to your Google Analytics, first go to the Real Time menu > Events


Click through your widget and you should see the events starting to be recorded by Google Analytics.

Next we need to generate date with the widget to ensure that the events are being recorded correctly 

  1. Go to the venues site where you have your widget link or embed 

  2. Create a couple of test bookings, as the widget is used more and customers are adding payment details (for pre auths etc) more events will become available for you to track.

  3. Once you have created a few test bookings navigate your way back to your Google Analytics > Behaviour > Overview and you should see your events now start to appear in your Events or Page Views work area (shown below)



And events like below located in Events > Overview



Please note that data may take some hours to show up in Google analytics, this can take as long as 24 hours

Creating Goals to track successful bookings or Gift card payments:

You will next need to set up goals to track successful bookings/Gift card purchases generated from, referrals, campaigns etc

  1. Go to Admin > View > Goals

  2. Select Create New Goal

  3. Select under Revenue either Reservation for Booking or for bookings with payments or  a Giftcard purchase tracking

  4. Next enter the Name of your goal under Description 

  5. Select Goal Type this is either your page or event you want to track

  6. You can track Events or Destination





Goal details: Enter in the Category and action which you will find here

cat end act

If you select one of those events the following page will show you the Label also to add to your goal - the label is the name of the booking widget, so if you have a number of venues under your account that would like to track then this is the best way to track individual restaurant conversions.

Use the action also from this page to complete your goal set up.

act and label

Enter all of these details in to the Goal details below.



Finally you will want to add in the Goal Destination  which again is dependant on what you would like to track the event (recommended) or the page.

Goal destionation is designed to track the last page of the widget /thankyou or /paymentcomplete and can be set up like below.


thank you page

Monitoring Goals and Tracking Conversions:

Now you will be able to monitor your conversions and referrals via the the Conversions area - this will take sometimes 24 hours to surface in GA.

  1. Go to Conversions

  2. Select Goals > Overview



Related articles

For further details on Google Analytics please see below:

Google Analytics GA4 - How To Find UA Tracking Code & Get Your Universal Analytics ID - Cant find your UA code? please follow this video. (this link will assist with cross domain tracking of your widget and embedding it in an iFrame)


For any further information on Google Analytics, Ads, Google Tag Manager, Cross Domain Tracking you will need to consult the Google Webiste and help pages, We do not support 3rd Party Products