HTML Email Templates

How to use HTML to edit and customise your emails sent from Now Book It

Selecting a HTML Email Template

  1. Log into Admin

  2. Click on Venue > HTML Email Templates

  3. Go to the ‘Select Email Template' drop down menu and select the relevant template

Names of the blocks in the templates


Features to add to the template

  1. Content - text, images or HTML that can be added within a block on the template

  2. Blocks - blocks with different sections that can be added to a template

  3. Body - configuration for the block (text colour, font family etc)

  4. Images - system images that can be added to the template

  5. Uploads - where a user can upload their own images


Functions within HTML Email Templates

Adding a new block

  1. Find where the block will go on the template

  2. Click on the + to add a block


    or click on ‘Blocks’ (see ‘Features to add to the template’ and drag it into place

  3. Using the right hand menu add con

  4. Either save the current template or create a new version

Saving a new version of the template

  1. Make required changes

  2. Click on ‘Save as a new version’

  3. Click confirm on the popup


Save changes on current version (no new version is created)

  1. Make required changes

  2. Click on ‘Save’

  3. Click on ‘Confirm’ to save the changes


Update logo or background image

  1. Click on image (or content block)

  2. On right hand menu > under image > select “Upload Image”

  3. Choose your image and upload

  4. Scroll down to section “Auto Width” > move the slider to resize the image and save



Updating the background colour - header and footer

  1. Select a block

  2. On the right hand menu under column properties choose “Background Color' option.

  3. Pick a colour

  4. Click on Save

Hiding information (not available on all blocks)

  1. Select the block that needs hiding

  2. On the right hand menu scroll to bottom to “Hide on Desktop”
    Toggle ON - To hide the row
    Toggle OFF - To show the information

  3. After making the selection, ensure the template is saved


Only available on the below templates

  • Successful email template: Tax Invoice, Additional Information and Promotional Information blocks

  • Confirmation email template: Additional and Promotional Information blocks

  • Cancelled Template: Promotional Information block

  • Reminder email template: Additional and Promotional Information block

Updating text in blocks (not available on all blocks)

  1. Select the content block that requires an update

  2. Edit the information

  3. Use the available functions to change font, font size, alignment etc.

  4. After updating, ensure the template is saved


Only available on the below templates

  • Successful email template: Additional Information block

  • Reminder email template: Additional Information block

  • Confirmation email template: Additional and Promotional Information blocks

  • Cancelled Template: Promotional Information block

  • Thank you Template: Promotional Information block

Amending the padding of a block

Padding is the space between the boarder and the text within a block. It is around the first line and the last line.

  1. Select the block the needs amending

  2. On the right hand side menu adjust the ‘Container Padding’ as required


Adding links to templates

  1. Select the content block that requires an update

  2. Highlight the text that needs to be a link

  3. Click on the ‘Insert/Edit link’ button

  4. Enter required details and click ‘Save’

  5. After updating, ensure the template is saved


Only available on the below templates

  • Successful email template: Additional Information block

  • Reminder email template: Additional Information block

  • Confirmation email template: Additional and Promotional Information blocks

  • Cancelled Template: Promotional Information block

  • Thank you Template: Promotional Information block

Deleting a block (not available on all blocks)

  1. Select the content block to be deleted from the template

  2. Click on the bin icon at the bottom of the block

  3. After deleting, ensure the template is saved


Only available on the below templates

  • Confirmation email template : Promotional Information block

Undo or redo changes made to a template

  1. Go to the bottom of the screen

  2. Click on the ‘undo’ or ‘redo’ arrowsHTML-17

Previewing templates

  1. Go to the bottom of the screen

  2. Click on the ‘eye’ icon


Formatting borders if a new block is added

  1. Select the new block that was added to the template.

  2. Then click on enable “More Options” for the Border on right hand side menu.

  3. The Border setting should be set to following for the sides of the new block

    1. Top = 0

    2. Right = 2

    3. Left = 2

    4. Bottom = 0
