Layout Settings - Diary

Layouts is where you can add table to the Diary and configure their shape, capacity, table joins and availability.

  1. Select Layouts from the Diary Settings menu under the Tables heading.
  2. To duplicate a layout, select the 'doubled up' Icon on the right hand side of the screen. This is a quick way of building an alternate table layout for your venue.
  3. To create a new Layout select the + button to add a new Layout

4.. Enter the Name of the Layout.

5. From the drop down menu, select the name of the Section that you would like to apply this layout to. You can have multiple layouts per section.


6. Add Tables one by one by selecting the + button on the right.

7. Complete the Name field with Name/number of tables in the venue

8. Add a Priority of the table. The Priority is an algorithm that allocates tables in the Diary and the bookings Widget to staff and customers, based on the preferences that you set (filling up the best tables first).

Tables that are NOT JOINS (joins explained _Diary functionality_ _Table joins across Diary and Floor plan views) will be prioritised over tables that are joined.

Diary functionality _Table joins across Diary and Floor plan views]) will be prioritised over tables that are joined.
Priority 1 will be offered before priority 2 and so on. If you have more desirable seats in venue that you would like to offer in the system to the first people who book, choose Priority 1. Less desirable seats should be of a lower priority.

  1. Next enter the Max Capacity of the Table (without table joins).
  2. Enter the Minimum Capacity of the table.
  3. From the drop down menu, select the Availability of the table based on the options below.


All = available for online bookings, diary bookings and walk ins.
Diary only = the table will only be offered when making manual bookings in the diary—not via the online widget.
Walk ins only = not available in the online bookings widget. These tables will be coloured red in the Diary to indicate that they are not suitable for booking (however, this can be manually overridden).

9. Select the Shared tick box if this is a communal table. This means that if you have a large table that is offered to guests as part of a communal setting, you can select the Min capacity of the table (eg. 1) and the Max capacity of the table (eg. 10) and the system will automatically allocate bookings to here until the total table capacity is filled.

10. To delete a layout, you can select the red trash can Icon located at the end of each of the Sections rows.


[Procedures for menu in diary] Layout settings and Table joins in the diary

Table joins allow you to push tables together to accommodate larger groups and accept larger bookings via the online widget.
To create a table join:

    1. Go to your Diary Settings > Tables > Layouts.


2. Next select the layout that you want to create table joins in.


3. Select the Table Joins tab.


4. Select the + button to create a new series of table joins


5. Select the tables that you would like to join from the Table drop down menu.


6. Complete all the required fields


7. Select Save.

8. Do this for EVERY combination that you wish to create table joins for.

Note: if one table that makes up a join is taken for a booking, that join is no longer available in the system. Please ensure that you have a number of different table joins set up to remain flexible to larger groups.
Joins will only be offered after the allocation of all available 'solid' tables is exhausted.

[Procedures for menu in diary] Layout settings – Multi layouts for services and events

Layouts can be duplicated, edited and added to services if alternate layouts are required for special occasions or services.
For instance: a venue may use a different layout for weekdays compared to Friday-Sunday—when tables are set up differently using an alternate floor plan. This can be done simply by duplicating existing layouts and editing them to suit the service, or creating a new one.
Layouts and floor plans can also be assigned to a specific day via the Events tab (for instance, a Valentine's Day layout may have exclusively two-tops for the night).
To duplicate a layout, follow the below steps.

  1. In the Restaurant Diary, go to Settings > Layouts.
  2. Select the Duplicate Icon on the right next to the trash can.

This will duplicate your layout. You can now change the name of the layout, the section that it appears in, and the tables within it.

3. Edit your details of al tables listed and select Save.
