Lightspeed Kounta - Overview

Step-by-step on how Lightspeed Kounta works with Now Book It



  1. Reservations with BOOKING Type:

    1. A booking created from Booking Widget or Diary.

    2. Booking is Seated by the Venue Staff on Booking Time.

    3. An event is Broadcasted to NBI POS API with all updates in booking.

    4. POST the new ORDER with PAYMENT SUMMARY object to KOUNTA.

    5. Staff on KOUNTA POS gets a notification of NEW ORDER.

    6. The Order is Accepted/Rejected by Staff.

    7. The New KOUNTA Order Id is stored in Memory in NBI POS API.

    8. Staff on KOUNTA POS processes the Order (i.e. Adds Items and Payments to COMPLETE the Order).

    9. The COMPLETED ORDER are process as SALES Data by NBI POS API.

    10. View the Sales Records on NBI Connect Dashboard.

  2. Reservations with WALKIN Type:

    1. A New Walkin is Created or an Existing Walkin is Updated in NBI Diary.

    2. Walkin updates events Broadcasted to NBI POS API.

    3. If the Walkin Status is modified/created with Seated, A new ORDER is POSTED to KOUNTA.

    4. Staff on KOUNTA POS gets a notification of NEW ORDER.

    5. The Order is Accepted/Rejected by Staff.

    6. The New KOUNTA Order Id is stored in Memory in NBI POS API.

    7. Staff on KOUNTA POS processes the Order (i.e. Adds Items and Payments to COMPLETE the Order).

    8. The COMPLETED ORDER are process as SALES Data by NBI POS API.

    9. View the Sales Records on NBI Connect Dashboard.


Conditions to Create NEW Order:

  1. Booking Must Be :

    1. A New Booking with Status Seated, OR,

    2. An Existing Booking with Status field modification with new Value : Seated, and,

  2. A Kounta Order has NOT already been created for this Booking, OR,

  3. A Kounta Order has Already Been Created:

    1. Booking is Modified within 5 minutes of Last seated - This is identified by Getting the Kounta Order created At date.

    2. New Booking Status is : [ Cancelled, Confirmed, No_Show, Unconfirmed ]

    3. IF the Kounta Order has Items or Payments - Do not Delete - Return an Error.

    4. Delete the Kounta Order - This is due to a mistake the booking was made seated.

    5. NOTE: Because in this scenario - The Current Booking Status is NOT SEATED the system will return the event from here. i.e. No New Orders will be created.