Lightspeed Kounta POS - Bookings
How to book with Lightspeed Kounta and Now Book It
NowBookIt’s platform integrates with Lightspeed so that bookings can be made in NBI and in turn orders and customer details appear in Lightspeed.
Contact details
For Lightspeed set up please contact Lightspeed using the below details.
Kounta site > Back Office > Help and Support (bottom left hand corner)
To enable integration contact NBI Customer Support team
What the Integration Does
When a booking is ‘Seated’ in NBI then an order with customer details (if available) is created in Lightspeed.
Once an order is ‘checked out’ the booking is ‘Finished' in NBI.
Create a booking in NBI
Log into Now Book It Admin:
Admin: Now Book It
Search for venue using the search function.
Select venue by clicking on the name of the venue.
Click on ‘Open Restaurant’ button.
When the Restaurant opens, click on the '+' button.
A booking pop up will appear.
Select the below:
booking time (right panel).
Number of people for the booking (if more than the default value).
Select the ‘Customer’ button.
NOTE: this button will only appear when the booking time is selected. -
For the customer enter the below data at a minimum:
First Name
Mobile Phone or Email
NOTE: The ‘Mobile Phone’ and ‘Email’ fields are what the matching criteria/de-dupe process is based on. See the section ‘Customer creation’ for more information.
Once the above is entered, click on ‘Save’ button.
Find the booking created on the Diary.
Click on the status of the booking.
Set the booking to the status ‘Seated’.
NOTE: The booking will only appear in Lightspeed if the status of the booking is set to ‘Seated’.
Logging into Lightspeed POS
Log into Kounta:
Click on the ‘POS’ button.
Select the required ‘POS'.
If the POS is in use by another user the below warning will appear, select ‘Use on this device’.
Select the relevant user.
Enter PIN for the user.
Customer creation
There are a couple of rules for customer matching between NBI and Lightspeed. A customer will be created in NBI first and linked in Lightspeed.
If there is no match to email address or phone between NBI and Lightspeed then a new customer is created in Lightspeed.
If there is an email address match between NBI and Lightspeed then the customer is linked.
If there is a name and phone match between NBI and Lightspeed then the customer is linked.
If the name of the customer is different in NBI but the email or phone number matches in Lightspeed the customer is linked with no changes to the name.
Walk-ins in NBI don't have customer details (in most cases) so customer details won’t be created in Lightspeed.
Find order in Lightspeed
Click on ‘Orders' tab.
Under the ‘Orders’ tab (selected by default), click on the Order that was created for the booking in the above section.
NOTE: When a new order appears the number of orders will be highlighted in orange. The order will have a ‘New’ label. -
To find the correct Order the below information will be available from the Booking.
Customer Name (First and/or Last Name).
NOTE: If a customer is not linked then the order number will appear instead (see below). -
Table number.
Time booking was seated.
If a customer is not linked to an order then the order number will appear instead.
Order number.
Table number.
Time booking was seated.
Deposits & Pre-payments
- If the booking has a deposit or pre-payment, at the time of accepting the customer, seat the booking in the Now Book it Diary.
- Find the corresponding booking in Lightspeed and accept it.
- Verify the deposit on the order.
- Process the remaining balance by adding your stock and complete the order when required.
Create an order in Lightspeed
Click on ‘Accept’ button to start adding products to the order.
NOTE: Click on the 'Reject' button to cancel order. -
‘This order has been accepted.’ message will appear.
Select a category on the right hand menu and then select the product/s to add to the order.
Once all products are selected, click on ‘Check Out’ button at the bottom of the page. This will take the user to a Payment pop up.
Pay for an order
Once the ‘Check Out’ button is selected the Payment pop up will appear
Select a ‘Cash Option’.
Select ‘Split Payment’ (see the section ‘Other information - Giftcards’ for details).
or -
Pay with Gift Card. See the section ‘Other information - Giftcards’ for details.
Once payment is complete a ‘Transaction Successful!’ message will appear.
For testing purposes select ‘No Thanks’. -
User will be redirected back to the order.
A ‘This order has been completed.’ message will appear.
Go to Now Book It Admin. The booking will have an updated status of ‘Finished’.