Lightspeed Kounta POS - Gift Card

How to setup gift cards with Lightspeed Kounta and Now Book It



NowBookIt’s Online Gift Card platform integrates with Lightspeed so that customers can purchase gift cards online through a venues website then Lightspeed can be used to redeem them in store.

Contact details

  • For Lightspeed set up please contact Lightspeed using the below details.

  • Kounta site > Back Office > Help and Support (bottom left hand corner)

  • To enable integration contact NBI Customer Support team

What the Integration Does

  • The customer purchases a digital gift card from the venues website

  • The gift card NowBookIt ID number and balance are stored in NowBookIt

  • When the customer purchases items in-store using a gift card, wait staff can enter the ID of the voucher through the POS screen in Lightspeed

  • Customers can redeem either the partial or total balance of the gift card

  • Customers can split payments between Gift cards and Cash when purchasing in-store

  • Venues can use the NowBookIt ID of the gift card to perform a balance check

  • Transaction details are sent in real time and stored in the NowBookIt gift card management portal

  • Top-ups are not available via the integration

  • Refunds are not able to be processed via the integration

Fully redeeming a giftcard using Lightspeed POS

  1. Select POS in the Lightspeed backoffice - products will be listed

  2. Create an order and select ‘Checkout’

  3. Select NowBookIt Giftcards

  4. If the customer has the Giftcard PDF use the Giftcard number provided on the Giftcard PDF either by:

    1. Entering the Giftcard number in full (including “-” ie 00151-00784513-TEST)

    2. Entering the last 4 digits of the Giftcard number

    3. Scaning the barcode on the Giftcard

  5. If the customer doesn’t have the Giftcard PDF the Giftcard number can be found in NowBookIt.
    In NowBookIt Admin select Giftcards >Management and select the giftcard you wish to redeem

  6. Select the NBI card number and copy it

  7. In Lightspeed paste the NBI giftcard number and select ‘Confirm’

  8. The 'Transaction successful message is displayed indicating that the purchase was completed

  9. Back in NowBookIt Giftcards >Management select the card used in the above transaction - note that the status is now redeemed and the notes include information that indicates the card was redeemed using Kounta


Partially redeeming a giftcard using Lightspeed

  1. Create another order in Lightspeed and select ‘Checkout’ - ensure the order is less than the giftcard amount

  2. Select NowBookIt giftcards as the payment method

  3. In NBI Giftcards >Managament copy the NBI giftcard ID for the card which will be used to pay for the order - note that the giftcard used in this example is $50 and the Lightspeed order is $47.30

  4. Paste the NBI giftcard number and select ‘Confirm’

  5. the ‘Transaction Successful’ message is displayed

  6. In NBI Giftcards >Management locate the giftcard which was used in the above transaction - note that the status is now ‘Partially redeemed’ and the remaining amount is displayed


Splitting payments

  1. Create an order in Lightspeed and select ‘Checkout’

  2. Select ‘Split payment’ as the payment method

  3. Select ‘Split' and manually change the amount in each field if required

  4. Select ‘Checkout’ next to the first line then choose NBI Giftcards as the payment method

  5. Select NowBookIt giftcards as the payment method

  6. In NBI Giftcards >Managament copy the NBI giftcard ID for the card which will be used to pay for the order

  7. Paste the NBI giftcard number and select ‘Confirm’

  8. The following screen is displayed indicating that a part payment has been. made using an NBI giftcard

  9. Select ‘Checkout’ next to the unpaid line and select the Cash option which matches the amount remaining

  10. The 'Transaction successful message is displayed indicating that the purchase was completed

  11. The NBI giftcard in Giftcards >management is now partially redeemed and shows the remaining balnce

Perform a balance check

  1. From the POS hamburger menu, Select Add-ons >Giftcards

  2. Select NBI Giftcards

  3. Enter the NBI card number and select ‘Check Balance’ - note 'Add funds is not an available option via this integration

  4. The card status and balance is displayed
