me&u Integration

How to connect me&u with Now Book It

How to set it up

In Connect > App > Install New App > Find Now Book It > Click into it > Add in the Client ID and Client Secret into the App > Select all permissions > Save


  • Only Opted In contacts from NBI will be synced into Connect.

  • The Connect Sync will run every 30mins to pull in the latest information from NBI

  • Contact Data is identified through mobile numbers. As long as the mobile number is the same, the contact will be updated on future bookings


  • Live venues that are integrated with NBI x me&u will have the option to reach out to me&u chat support. They will receive a response in under 2 minutes

  • The me&u team will help support the venues with their needs and investigate issues that arise

Data that gets sent through

Customer information that is synced is listed below:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Company

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • DOB (if entered in to NBI)

  • Tags (Tags at a customer object not booking object)

  • Address

  • Updated Date

  • POS Sales Data (if POS integration is connected)

  • Visits


Reservation information that is synced is listed below:

Customer name and details

Time of reservation

Length of reservation

Reservation notes

Venue of reservation

Status -statuses in MGL can only be Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Pending and these statuses are mapped to the 4 types of statuses available in NBI which are:

  • Partially seated, seated and unconfirmed

  • Partially seated and seated map to confirmed

  • Unconfirmed

  • Pending

How the Data Flows


Opted in Contact->> NowBookIt: Bookings/Reservation

alt Contact doesn't exist

NowBookIt ->> Connect: Create New Contact

else Contact already exists

NowBookIt ->> Connect: Update Existing Contact



Connect -->> Opted in Contact: Marketing Communications end