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My Guest List Integration

How to use MGL integration with Now Book It

The My Guest list integration allows customers of both products to transfer customer and reservation information in a one way sync over to your MGL account.

Please note if you have multiple venues and use the same MGL credentials, they will be categorized inside MGL.

Customer information that is synced is listed below:

First name

Last name


Phone number

DOB (if entered in to NBI)

Tags (Tags at a customer object not booking object)


Reservation information that is synced is listed below:


Customer name and details

Time of reservation

Length of reservation

Reservation notes

Venue of reservation

Status -statuses in MGL can only be Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Pending and these statuses are mapped to the 4 types of statuses available in NBI which are:

partially seated, seated and unconfirmed

Partially seated and seated map to confirmed

Unconfirmed is as stated

Pending is mapped to Pending in MGL.




To enable NBI and MGL integration, you will need to follow the below steps:

  1. In your venues Admin area in Now Book It, you will see under the head DIARY > Integrations



  2. Select the Set up button and you will be prompted for your MGL credentials and select Save (If you do not know these you will need to contact MGL directly).



  3. Once you have entered in your credentials ad hoc data syncs can be done if you need an update to be sent to MGL by selecting the Sync Now button shown below - this will also show you the last time of the sync, or daily syncs are done each day between 4 am and 6 am which will update all records and reservations.



If you need any information pertaining to the use of this data in MGL, you will need to speak directly to them