Overview of Runsheet view
Easy to navigate view of bookings for the day
The runsheet is a handy reference tool that gives an overview of all bookings, services and events.
The venue can filter the runsheet by a selection of fields. It can also be printed or exported via the use of the two buttons on the top right of the runsheet view. A third button is also available in Runsheet view which generates a Booking Options report for either the current day or a date range.
To print your runsheet, select the printer icon:
Note: whatever is currently filtered on your runsheet will be the view that is printed. This allows you to print alternate runsheets for different staff, sections and services.
To export your runsheet, select the Download button:
The download button has two functions: it can simply export the day's runsheet, or it can report a certain data/date range for all bookings.
If you are exporting a date range, please note that you can only do so within a 31 day period.
To Export:
Select the Download button as shown below.
This report is particularly useful for tracking payments for monthly reconciliation.
Fields on the runsheet can be toggled on or off via the the Columns section.
Select or deselect using the tick boxes to specify what is visible or hidden on the runsheet. Filters can also be used to arrange a sheet by what information is most import to the venue.
To filter the runsheet:
- Select the Sort By drop down menu to select how the runsheet is to be displayed.
2. Select the arrow to change from ascending to descending order.
3. Select the Show Empty Tables tick box to show all empty tables on the runsheet. This will also print all empty tables on the runsheet (which is particularly useful if your venue likes to work manually and fill in the time sheet once the service has started).
To filter the runsheet by service and section, use the filters situated in the top ribbon. This allows you to view the runsheet according to a specific service, section or both.
Note: these filters also apply to your exported runsheet view. If you wish to export all services and sections in your runsheet, make sure that no filters are switched on.
Generate the Booking Options Report
Generate a CSV which lists and summarises the number of Booking Options requested by guests to make it easy to order the correct quantities needed.
Select the Booking Options Report button as shown below:
- A window will appear asking for Current Day export or Date Range specific. Select an option and then Download Report.
- The download will start and it will save to your computer.
- Open the report in Excel
- The Excel file has 2 tabs - Booking List and Summary:
Booking List contains all information regarding the booking including Date, Pax, Section, Status and Customer information
Summary contains information specific to any booking options selected and provides the totals of Booking options and any extra's which have been requested