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Recurring Bookings on Diary Mobile

This guide explains how to set up recurring bookings on the mobile version of your Now Book It diary.

Recurring Bookings is now available on Diary Mobile. This allows you to create a series of repeat bookings for the same customer on either a weekly or daily schedule — great for regulars! 

Enable Recurring Bookings

You must have Booked By enabled in your diary settings to access it through Diary Mobile.  

  1. Log in to your Restaurant Diary through
  2. Select ‘Settings’ and go to ‘Bookings’ under the general tab on the left sidebar 
  3. Check the ‘Enable Recurring Bookings’ checkbox


Create a Recurring Booking through Diary Mobile 

  1. Log in to Diary Mobile through a mobile device using this link:
  2. Click on the purple + icon to create a new booking
  3. Select the desired day/service/time/pax
  4. Toggle on the ‘Recurring Booking’ button to enable 
  5. Select ‘Daily’ or ‘Weekly’
  6. Select the ‘Frequency’ of the recurring booking
  7. Next, hit the ‘Load’ button 
  8. Review the bookings in the recurring series to ensure the details are correct
  9. Select ‘Done’ to proceed
  10. Enter the customer details as usual and select ‘Save’ to complete the booking


Learn more about using Recurring Bookings here