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Restricting the Max Number of Occupants in a Venue

Limit the number of people in a venue

The ability to have a restriction on the max number of occupants in a venue due to the covid situation has been introduced to NBI.

The purpose of having this restriction is to notify the venue staff members if their venue capacity of occupants is nearing the maximum occupants limit or if it has reached the maximum occupants limit or has exceeded the maximum occupants limit, that their venue can host at any given time during the covid crisis.

This feature has been implemented by maintaining the below configurations settings:

  1. Enable the max occupancy in the diary configuration setting.

  2. Set a max occupancy limit across each section in the venue.

Notifications will appear in the diary for the below criteria:

  1. When the PAX in a booking is 1 or 2 occupants less than the max occupants limit defined for the respective section

  2. When the PAX in a booking is exactly equal to or greater than the max number of occupants defined for the respective section

How to ‘Enable the max occupancy in the diary configuration Setting’?

  1. Launch the admin portal and login as restaurant admin.

  2. Select the venue for which the maximum occupancy limit has to be set

  3. Open the restaurant portal and navigate to the Settings dairy configuration screen


4. Click on Bookings and enable the max occupancy checkbox then Save



How to ‘Set a max occupancy limit across each section in the venue’ ?

  1. Launch the restaurant diary and navigate to the Settings diary configuration screen


2. Select ‘Sections’ under Tables and set the max occupancy limit for each section then Save



How do I get notified on max occupancy info from diary ?

  1. When the PAX in a booking is 1 or 2 occupants less than the max occupants limit defined for the respective section: (eg. Max occupancy for the ‘Bar’ section was defined as 5 in the config setting and a booking was created with 4 pax)

    1. A warning message is displayed while creating the booking as shown below. (eg. the booking has 4 pax which is 1 less than the max occupancy limit set in the section config for the 'Bar' section )


    b. An amber bar is displayed on the diary time slot after a booking is created as shown below. This amber bar is displayed only for the time slot during which the booking was created as shown below. (eg. The booking was created from 4pm to 5.30pm hence the amber bar also appears only for this time slot)


    2. When the PAX in a booking is exactly equal to or greater than the max number of pax defined for the respective section (eg. Max occupancy for the ‘Bar’ section was defined as 5 in the config setting and a booking is created with 5 or more pax)

    1. An error message is displayed as shown below:



    2. When the PAX is increased to match or exceed the max occupancy set in config then a max occupancy breach message is displayed as shown below



    3. A red bar is displayed across the time slot as shown below:


    d. When a booking is dragged from one section to another and if the PAX is equal to or exceeds the max occupancy limit then the below message is displayed.



Max occupancy for bookings across multiple sections:

If a booking is made with tables from 2 sections then max occupancy is calculated as mentioned below:

  1. When the tables from 2 sections are joined then the max occupancy for each section uses the table capacity in that section (eg: Booking a table for 6 people across 2 sections namely Section-A and Section-B. The max capacity of Table-7 in Section-A is 4 and Table-15 in Section-B is 4. Then this booking would result in the addition of 4 pax to Section-A and 4 pax to Section-B where the table capacity is used instead of the actual booking pax.)


The below error message is displayed when tables across 2 sections are joined when max occupancy is enabled.



2. When the tables from same section are joined then the max occupancy for single section uses the pax count (the number of people in the booking)