Square POS Integration - Bookings



Now Book It’s platform integrates with Square so that bookings can be made in NBI and in turn orders and customer details appear in Square.

Contact details

  • For support and set up please contact Now Book It.

What the Integration Does

  • When a booking is ‘Seated’ in NBI then an order with customer details (if available) is created in Square.

  • Once an order is ‘checked out’ the booking is ‘Finished' in NBI.


  • Table names must be the same in both platforms, e.g. in the Square floor plan table ‘1' must be the same in NBI layouts as '1'.

  • You must be subscribed to the Square for Restaurants Plus Plan.

  • Turn on Seated Status in Square:

    • Go to Square Dashboard

    • Settings

    • Device Management

    • Service Settings

    • Seated Status

    • Toggle Seated Status to ‘On’

Create a booking in NBI

  1. Log into Now Book It Admin: Admin: Now Book It

  2. Search for a venue using the search function.

  3. Select the venue by clicking on the name of the venue.

  4. Click on ‘Open Restaurant’ button.

  5. When the Restaurant opens, click on the '+' button.

  6. A booking pop up will appear.

  7. Select the below:

    1. booking time (right panel).

    2. Number of people for the booking (if more than the default value).

  8. Select the ‘Customer’ button.
    NOTE: this button will only appear when the booking time is selected.

  9. For the customer enter the below data at a minimum.

    1. First Name

    2. Surname

    3. Mobile Phone or Email
      NOTE: The ‘Mobile Phone’ and ‘Email’ fields are what the matching criteria/de-dupe process is based on. See the section ‘Customer creation’ for more information.

  10. Once the above is entered, click on ‘Save’ button.

  11. Find the booking created on the Diary.

  12. Click on the status of the booking.

  13. Set the booking to the status ‘Seated’.
    NOTE: The booking will only appear in Square if the status of the booking is set to ‘Seated’.


Opening the table in Square POS

  1. Log into Square:

  2. Enter Passcode for the user.

  3. 'Clock in’ if required

  4. When the table is seated in your Now Book It Diary, the table in Square will show bright purple to indicate it has not been opened yet.

  5. Click on the table to start adding products to the order per course.

    1. ‘Guest’ tab will show table pax, NBI Tags, Booking Notes, and if a pre-payment or deposit has been made

  6. Click Save to send order to printer. This will take you back to table plan.

  7. Once all products are selected, click on ‘Pay’ button at the bottom of the page. This will take the user to a Payment pop up.


Pre-payments must be manually discounted from the Square POS. 

  1. If a pre-payment (deposit, full payment etc) is added to the NBI booking, and the table is seated. The payment is noted under the ‘Guest’ details in Square.

  2. Click on ‘Actions’, then Discounts.

  3. Manually enter the correct deposit/pre-payment amount and press the tick.

  4. Check that the deposit has been entered correctly.

Pay for an order

  1. Once the ‘Check Out’ button is selected the Payment screen will appear.

  2. Either:

    1. Select a ‘Cash Option’.

    2. Select ‘Split Amount’ (see the section ‘Other information - Giftcards’ for details).

    3. Select ‘Gift Card’ (See the section ‘Other information - Giftcards’ for details).

  3. Once payment is complete, options to give the receipt will appear.
    For testing purposes select ‘No Thanks’.

  4. A ‘Thanks’ pop-up will appear. Click to exit.

  5. User will be redirected back to the table plan.

  6. Go to Now Book It Diary. The booking will have an updated status of ‘Finished’.
