Square Integration - Workflow

Overall workflow for connecting Square to Now Book It

The Below Documentation describes the Workflow between Square and NBI Integration for Reservations and Sales Data, and GiftCards.

NBI <=> Square oAuth Handshake Workflow:



Unsubscribe NBI <=> Square Integration



Unsubscribe Square <=> NBI Integration



Square App Setup

This is the Integration App setup on the Square Developer Portal

  • Goto https://developer.squareup.com/apps and Login with Square developer account credentials.

  • A Square App has been setup for each NBI Environment (Dev, Uat, Prod, Sandbox-1).
    Note: On The Square Developer Apps we will Use the Production tab.

  • Key Attributes to Note:

    • Production Application Id

    • Application Secret

    • Production Redirect Url - This is the oAuth redirect Url from NBI (i.e. https://connect-[ENV].nowbookit.com/oauth)


Setup the Checks (i.e. Orders) and Gift Card webhooks


Adding Checks Webhook Subscription:

  • Webhook name: checks-webhooks

  • Url: https://ipos-[ENV].nowbookit.com/sales/partners/Square/events/checks

  • Events: [ restaurant.check.created, restaurant.check.updated ]

  • After Checks Webhook Subscription is created → Get the Signature Key by editing the Webhook Subscription. This key will be required to validate by iPos when the Webhook payload is received.

  • In the Edit Webhook Subscription screen you have more options : e.g. Fire test events, Disable webhook, delete webhook, Replace Signature Key.

  • View Logs for every Webhook events fired.

Adding Gift-cards Webhook Subscription:

  • Webhook name: giftcards-webhooks

  • Url: https://ipos-[ENV].nowbookit.com//giftcards/partners/square/events/gift-card-activity

  • Events: [ gift_card.activity.created, gift_card.activity.updated ]

  • After Checks Webhook Subscription is created → Get the Signature Key by editing the Webhook Subscription. This key will be required to validate by iPos when the Webhook payload is received.

  • In the Edit Webhook Subscription screen you have more options : e.g. Fire test events, Disable webhook, delete webhook, Replace Signature Key.

  • View Logs for every Webhook events fired.


Seller Locations

New Seller Locations have been created for every NBI Environments.
