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Square POS Integration - Gift Cards


Now Book It’s Online Gift Card platform integrates with Square so that customers can purchase gift cards online through a venues website then Square can be used to redeem them in store.

What the Integration Does

  • The customer purchases a digital gift card from the venue’s website

  • The gift card Now Book It ID number and balance are stored in Now Book It

  • When the customer purchases items in-store using a gift card, wait staff can enter the ID of the voucher through the POS screen in Square

  • Customers can redeem either the partial or total balance of the gift card

  • Customers can split payments between Gift cards and Cash when purchasing in-store

  • Venues can use the Now Book It ID of the gift card to perform a balance check

  • Transaction details are sent in real-time and stored in the NowBookIt gift card management portal

  • Top-ups are not available via the integration

  • Refunds are not able to be processed via the integration

Checking the Balance of an NBI Gift Card

  • Must be completed in the NBI Gift Card Management page.

Fully redeeming a gift card using Square POS

  1. After opening the table in Square POS - products will be listed.

  2. Create an order and select ‘Pay’

  3. Select ‘Gift Card’

  4. If the customer has the Giftcard PDF use the Giftcard number provided on the Giftcard PDF by Entering the Giftcard number in full (including “-”, excluding “spaces” i.e. 03138-00040683-TEST)

  5. If the customer doesn’t have the Giftcard PDF the Giftcard number can be found in NowBookIt.
    In NowBookIt Admin select Giftcards >Management and select the giftcard you wish to redeem

  6. Select the NBI card number and copy it.

  7. In Square paste the NBI giftcard number and select ‘Charge’

  8. A pop-up will appear with the option to add a tip.

    1. in this case - no tip for testing purposes.

  9. Confirmation of the gift card balance is displayed indicating that the purchase is possible to be charged.

  10. Click ‘Charge card and continue’ to charge the card.

  11. Confirmation of the gift card balance is shown and if required, the payment due is shown - in the case below it is $20.80.

  12. Back in Now Book It Giftcards >Management select the card used in the above transaction - note that the status is now redeemed and the notes include information that indicates the card was redeemed using Square


Partially redeeming a giftcard using Square

  1. Create another order in Square and select ‘Checkout’ - ensure the order is less than the giftcard amount

  2. Select Gift Cards as the payment method

  3. In NBI Giftcards > Managament copy the NBI giftcard ID for the card which will be used to pay for the order - note that the giftcard used in this example is $100 and the Square order is $52.90

  4. Paste the NBI giftcard number and select ‘Charge’

  5. A pop-up will appear with the option to add a tip.

    1. in this case - no tip for testing purposes

  6. Confirmation of the gift card balance is displayed indicating that the purchase is possible to be charged and the remaining gift card balance

  7. The 'Thanks!’ message is displayed indicating successful transaction, and return to floor plan.

  8. In NBI Giftcards > Management locate the giftcard which was used in the above transaction - note that the status is now ‘Partially redeemed’ and the remaining amount is displayed

  9. The NBI giftcard in Giftcards >management is now partially redeemed and shows the remaining balance

Splitting payments

  1. Create an order in Square and select ‘Pay’

  2. Select ‘Split Amount’ as the payment method

  3. You can ‘Split by Amount' by entering the payment amount in the field allowed.

    1. Or choose to split into equal payments

      1. the options to split are underneath (2, 3, 4, custom)

  4. This will automatically split the payment by the option you choose and drops to the first payment.

    1. Choose the option to pay by gift card, cash or edit the amount if needed for each payment


Perform a balance check

  1. From the Square Dashboard, Click the 3 lines at the top left corner, select Giftcards from the list

  2. Ensure Location and Date filters are correct by pressing the upside down triangle and choosing the filters on the right hand side



    1. You can also search the last 4 digits in the search bar

    2. Press the card number needed and you will see the balance and previous redemption dates
