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Booking & Table Statuses in Floor Plan

Legend for booking and table status in the floor plan

Table Statuses

Table colours are used to represent table statuses for a quick glance from the floor plan. These include Available, Upcoming, In Progress, Late, Blockout and Conflict.

Table Status Colour   What it means




Table is available for booking
Upcoming Upcoming1


Table has an upcoming booking
within the next 90 mins

In Progress In Progress1


Booking is in progress
Late late Customer is late for their booking by more than 15 mins
Blockout blockout


Table has a blockout, but can still be booked
Conflict conflict

Booking is in conflict due to an overlap, time no longer available for the service or table has been removed from the service
Joined Table joined Bookings on joined tables show the ‘parent’ table number and a link icon. The ‘child’ table colour is dimmed and it displays a joined pill along with the child table number.
Shared Table





Bookings on shared tables are indicated with a shared icon. Hovering on the table shows the amount of bookings there are on the shared table.


Booking Statuses

Table colours and icons are used to represent booking statuses for a quick glance from the floor plan. These include Paid, Over Time, Bill with Customer, Partially Seated, Waiting at Bar. 

Booking Status Colour / Icon
Paid Paid
Over Time Overtime
Bill with Customer Bill with customer
Partially Seated Partially seated
Waiting at Bar Waiting at Bar


Tip: Table and Booking Statuses can be turned on in Settings under Statuses.