Waitlist in Diary and Floorplan

How to see customers who are waiting for tables

The waitlist feature is used live to accommodate walk ins and last minute bookings taken by phone for any service in the current day.

This feature is not available for future bookings, as they are handled by the Standby feature. See Diary functionality: Standby List for more information.

The waitlist also has an SMS functionality that allows the venue to communicate with guests (if you would like to set up SMS please speak to your account manager).

To add a booking to the waitlist:

1.  In the situation where no tables are available that meet the parameters of the guest, you will see a message on the booking form which informs you that the booking will be automatically added to the Wait List:


2. You can also transfer a walk in booking to the waitlist by selecting the walk in button (shown below). This button is only active for services on the current day, not past or future days.


3. The following window will appear which enables you to add the customer to the waitlist:


4. Select the Add to Wait List button to put the booking onto the waitlist until a table is available.

5. A streamlined customer booking form will appear, allowing you to quickly add a name and phone number. This can be used to contact the customer once the table becomes available.


6. Enter in customer name and phone number and select Save. The booking is now added on to the waitlist.


7. Click on the tab in the top left of the diary to see the customer on the waitlist.


8. When a table becomes available a small T will appear on the top of the waitlist tab. This is to alert the venue that a table is now available and the walk in can now be seated.


9. Select the walk in at the top of the list.

Note: Bookings are added to the waitlist based on chronological order ie the time created. This ensures that waitlist bookings are listed in order of priority.

10. The following window will appear – NOTE if you don't have SMS functionality set up you will not see the send sms button.


11. Select the Seat Now button to seat the customer in the assigned available table. If you are not using SMS notifications, you will need to call the customer directly to inform them that their table is ready.

12. Alternatively, click Assign Table to SMS the customer (if SMS functionality is enabled).

13. The customer will be seated in to the grid as shown below.


14. The customer will be placed in the grid with a status of TX when selecting Assign Table and SMS as shown below. They will have a 15 minute time frame to arrive in venue before the booking can be cancelled and offered to next person on the waitlist.


Managing booking options from the Waitlist:

If a service has booking options attached, these can be easily managed from the Waitlist.

1. Once a table becomes available, open a booking from the Waitlist to seat the customer.

2. Select the 'Booking Options' tab.

3. Select the 'Manage Booking Options' button:


4. The available booking options will be presented:


4. Select the required booking options and follow your normal business protocol to process the payment.

5. Select 'OK' then 'Save'. 

6. The link page for the payment URL is displayed, enter a valid email address and Save.


To cancel from the Waitlist:

Bookings can be removed from the Waitlist by changing the booking status to 'Cancelled'.

1. Open a booking from the Waitlist.

2. Select the Status drop down and change the status to Cancelled:


3. The booking will be removed from the Waitlist and moved to the Cancelled tab in the bottom left of the screen:
